Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The 5 Things You DO Need To Be Successful In Sami Direct!!!

To effectively build your business, you will need at least ten hours a week to work the business. With Sami Direct launching in so many markets, you may want to consider stretching closer to 15 hours in a week. This is the one chance you will ever have in this early stage, so you want to make the most of it.
We don’t recommend you quit your studies, job or business to start with Sami Direct. Rather we suggest you keep doing what you are doing, but carve out 10 to 15 hours a week and begin working part-time. It means making a short-term sacrifice of some activities like skipping some TV, movies, newspaper or other things for a while. The time saved from such non-productive activities should be utilized for developing your Sami Direct business. Teach your group to do the same thing for success.
Now notice we used the term “work.” For you to have success with Sami Direct, you must be willing to work. And we’ve found that working at least 10 to 15 hours a week is necessary to get enough power to launch your
You should be clear about the reason “Why” you want to do Sami Direct business. It could be:
  1. Better Home
  2. A New Luxury Car
  3. Firing Your Boss
  4. Secured Financial Future
  5. Better Education For Your Children
  6. To Run A Worthwhile Charity
  7. Going On A World Tour
  8. More Time For Yourself And Your Family
  9. Getting Out Of Debt
  10. Better Lifestyle
  11. Helping People
Or something like this!
Find out your “Why”. Stronger your “Why”, more successful you will be.
Your “Why” will create a burning desire in you to work for the achievements of your dreams. Be passionate about your “Why” and live with it every second. It will keep you excited and focused to fulfill your dreams.
A common quality which all the successful people in Sami Direct have is their attitude – a Positive Attitude to be accurate. Getting your head right is the most important thing you will do early on in your Sami Direct business. Sparing 15 to 30 minutes daily for self-development will keep you on the right track. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude are more powerful than any knowledge you learn or any skills you develop.
There is a lot of skepticism and negativity in the world today. You’ll find no shortage of people who will tell you why this Sami Direct business will not work. Do not allow yourself to be misguided by these prophets of doom. Never ever let the failure of someone who has given up on his dreams cloud your chance to achieve your own. These self-proclaimed experts are the “dream stealers”. They are flops in life and live life of quiet desperation. Ignore such people to begin and continue a successful journey with Sami Direct.
Often brand new team members with no training or experience build a group of 20 or 30 people in their first month. They do not do this with skill, knowledge, or technique—they just muscle it through with sheer, unadulterated enthusiasm. They show excitement for Sami Direct and that excitement duplicates with their prospects and team members. Approach this adventure with the positive attitude it deserves. Do not just “try” it. Make your mind up, jump in, and do it whole-heartedly to change your life!
Sami Direct provides a new and unique approach to business. You will discover that the game is different here. Things that work in the sales or corporate arena do not necessarily work in Sami Direct.

Keep an open mind and listen to your sponsorship line. They have discovered what works and the best practices to follow. They also know from their experience in Sami Direct business that which activities are least productive and thus should be avoided altogether. What you will learn is a step-by-step system on how to create the largest business in the shortest period of time.
The most important criterion here is duplication. It is important that you resist the urge to create new tools and try other methods originally.
Even if you get initial success, it will be harder for your people to duplicate your methods. We all follow the same system, and it works for everyone.
The biggest time-wasting error that new people commit is “getting ready to get ready.” The next thing you know, you are sitting around imagining possible reasons why your Sami Direct business will not work. And if you convince yourself of that, that is exactly what will happen. The most successful people in Sami Direct got into action mode immediately, and began to create immediate results. This begins a powerful cycle of duplication, and continues through many levels in your organization.
You do not have to memorize the complete product line to be able to present a Sami Direct Business Briefing, or understand all the intricacies of the compensation plan to get started. We have business building tools to help you with all that. You just have to follow the simple steps in this business plan and learn as you go along.
It has often been said that knowledge is power. Unfortunately, knowledge is only the potential power. Knowledge plus action is where the real power comes from.
If you’re waiting for the perfect plan — the perfect plan is to take action. Your sponsorship line, the tools and the system will prevent you from making any serious mistakes. Follow their lead and get into action. Now let’s get started!
Remember the Formula of Success in Sami Direct:
“Having A Large Group Of People Do Simple Small Things Over A Consistent Period Of Time”
The Secret is Consistency and Persistency.

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